Saturday, February 13, 2010

Wear your Heart

Seeing that today is Valentine's Day, I decided to add 3 new heart necklaces to the Hazard Line catalogue. The more love, the better.

First is the Corset Heart. This necklace pendant, made from classic orange traffic cone, is of a heart with white lacing criss-crossed over the surface, meant to resemble the lacing on a woman's corset.

The message behind this peice isn't the most light-hearted, but it is very important. I was having a conversation with my friend a few weeks back about the complicated and covoluted workings of the emotions. At times, she said, she felt unsure about how to feel about someone new in her life versus a past lover - like her heart was constricted. Most people can relate to this feeling. It's a very uncomfortable sensation. But the only way to get through in tough times is to acknowledge the good and the bad. Don't get me wrong, it's never a good idea to dwell on the negative things happening in our love lives, but pretending they don't exist can make things worse in the future. Bottled up emotions don't stay that way for long.

Accepting that things aren't always perfect (because perfection is fake) and doing the best you can with what you have is the best way to deal when things get difficult. That's why you should wear your heart on your sleeve (or in this case, around your neck), even if it is feeling a little cinched.

The other two heart pendants are variations on Hazard Line's best seller so far, the Electric Heart. Now offered in lime green and ocean blue traffic cone, the electic heart can stand for different things, depending on how you're feeling that particular day. The cut coming in from the side of the heart might look like a broken heart to someone suffering from an inner conflict. Wearing the "broken heart" could then give them some form of solice in acknowledging their struggle.

However, the other side of the coin reveals a totally different view. Someone hopeful and excited about their love life or about a new 'someone' coming into their heart will see this necklace as a zap of energy running through their chest, rather than a crack. If you don't like the "zap" analogy, call it whatever you like. But personally, I can't get enough of that fluttery feeling.

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